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Controlador Istar Edge De 4 Lectoras G2 Softwarehouse Gstar004
- Stand-alone IP edge access controller with local database of up to 1,000,000 cardholders
- Controls and powers all access control devices at the door to minimize installation costs
- Power over Ethernet (PoE) module features PoE Plus, with enough power for two doors and associated devices
- Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) provides advanced hardware-based cybersecurity protection
- Advanced access control feature set including anti-passback, peer-to-peer clustering and local event logic
- Dual GigE Network ports with IPv6, DHCP and 802.1X support
- Supports OSDP Secure Channel for encrypted, two-way reader communications
- Supports embedded High Assurance FICAM operation without additional third-party hardware
- Remote web diagnostics to quickly fix performance issues anywhere using a web browser.
STAR Edge G2 is a powerful, cyber-hardened IP edge access control device that provides reliable localized access control decision making at each door. Its optional Power over Ethernet (PoE) module provides ample power for two doors and allows iSTAR Edge G2 to leverage existing network infrastructure to reduce installation and startup costs.
iSTAR Edge G2 utilizes a hardware-based Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) – a secure, isolated environment within its CPU that guarantees confidentiality and integrity of code and data. This provides reliable storage of keys and other cryptographic materials, and manages a secure boot process to guarantee authenticated sources for hardware and software.